What do you use for outdoor feeders?

Going Quackers

12 Years
May 24, 2011
On, Canada
I put feed outside during the day.. i don't want it spilled in my barn... anyways... the birds are now all penned so were getting feed spilled as the last batch of ducklings has grown bigger..

I have one homemade wood feeder.. it's actually built off this mini ship crate but i use those rubber livestock bowls otherwise.. dumb fools are stepping in them plus when it poured rain the other day.. i got a sloppy mess.

My set-up is kind of wonky right now, we used to free range so i had better options of food placement, i need ideas... so show me what you have bought/made/do! Thanks!!
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I don't have feeders inside either. Ants. I use feed pans. One upside down with the other on top to help avoid ants. I have a makeshift feed shelter over it. Its 2 sides, the top and the end of a large dog crate with a tarp over the top. The end section is open to provide stability and allow both ends to be open.
I use a plastic pan that has a brick in the center to give it weight, much more hard for them to kick it up. Daily dose of my 5 runners is 2 cup of wheat, 2 cup of pellets, and 1 cup of roughly cracked corn. They eat in the morning and before bedtime (although it is provided all day), usually they roam around and hunt for bugs and eat greens. 6 big pan of water are scattered around in the garden where they can wash slugs and snails down. Oh, and they call (very loudly) for the hose to create some mud under the fruit-trees.
I use a plastic pan that has a brick in the center to give it weight, much more hard for them to kick it up. Daily dose of my 5 runners is 2 cup of wheat, 2 cup of pellets, and 1 cup of roughly cracked corn. They eat in the morning and before bedtime (although it is provided all day), usually they roam around and hunt for bugs and eat greens. 6 big pan of water are scattered around in the garden where they can wash slugs and snails down. Oh, and they call (very loudly) for the hose to create some mud under the fruit-trees.
looks like they have you well trained too.
thanks for posting where you live, I am always curious where people are posting from.
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looks like they have you well trained too.
thanks for posting where you live, I am always curious where people are posting from.

Exactly, but not just me, my father too
Flock follows him everywhere while Iám at work, they are curious about what he is doing around the house and why he can't understand from the first quack that ducks WANT mudholes in the middle of the lawn.

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