What do you use to tell your chickens apart?

Oh! I know of folks who put food coloring on their heads to tell them apart until they can recognize them individually. It obviously works well with lighter breeds, but I thought I'd mention it.
it might work with OP's Barred Rocks, too. The food coloring could show on the white barring, even though it won't show on the black.
I have little pink spiral leg bands on this year's chicks, who are now adolescents. But I only have them marked so I know what year they joined the flock. That way I know the 3-year old EEs are due to be culled and don't accidentally process this year's EEs. I don't think I would make a mistake like that, but the leg bands are insurance. Mostly the leg bands give comfort to TheMan that when the time comes, no mistakes will be made. 😉

I can tell some of my older individual EEs apart. There's Friendly, who's, well, friendly. And Jewel, who looks like a black opal with gold glitter. There's Blue, who survived the dog attack, being nursed daily for three weeks in my kitchen. And Ivory, my escape artist. Ebony, one of three surviving Black Australorps, and I can't tell you how I recognize her, I just do.

The Dominique cockerels are not banded and I recognize only one of them. Cocky. Three guesses why, lol.

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