What does a chicken consider a treat??

Our "free" treats include edible veggie scraps from when I'm cutting up our veggies, like tomato & green pepper cores, cabbage leaves cut up... also, ours go totally NUTS for whole wheat grains - wonder how on earth they can even taste anything they swallow that fast!

oh, and it's a good use for bread crusts, crumbled
I've fed mine Quaker rolled oats since they were little. Sometimes they turn their beaks up to anything new if its not "white flakey things".
They go crazy over the parings and left overs from my canning and preserving projects.
They found out what tomato plants were last week

I buy day old bread and treat them to that as I sit with them.
I've decided to buy a sack of crimped oats to feed out as their appetites are bigger now and the oatmeal is getting too expensive to feed that much out.
Otherwise, they'll snack on anything we eat!
Mine gets peeved if I don't give her a little yogurt every other day or so, and they LOVE strawberries, grapes and bananas. Just stand back if you give them yogurt, or you'll be wearing it (mine wiped her beak on my shirt when I reached down to put in a strawberry- then flung a beakful at me-- saying "get out of my way!) LOL
Chopped tomatoes have been the most popular so far, but the tops cut off of strawberries were a close second. They also like stale bread, broken up into little bits and softened with a little water. I also mix in crushed eggshells.
She may be broody. How old is she? I wouldn't try to do anything about it but let her be unless you think she may be sick. Does she seem OK? Maybe someone here can help you figure out if she is broody or not. Does she ever get up out of the nest during the day?
Oats. I was grainin the horses a while back and I gave my strange hen (that BR that always follows me around and rides on the horse with me) a handful, she went pure crazy! She like to tore my hand off, so I gave the rest of the chickens some and they loved it. Also: fishin worms, cheese, any left overs, especially fried chicken (sounds wrong, dont it?)

By the way, does anyone know any reason why that hen could like me so much? None of my others seem to care, but that hen follows me EVERYWHERE and the other day she even took it so far as to jump in my truck when I opened the door. Can chickens actually get attatched to ya (like hounds) or is she just not right in the head?

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