What does "Bock Bock BA-GOCK!" mean?

That is actualy somewhat acurate in my experience. You must spend a lot of time with those hens, Ms. Mendoza.

Yes I do spend copious amounts of time with them....and its Mr. Mendoza (but dont call me that,thats my Dads name) Gabriel is ok....and dont call me Shirley.
LOL! This is my mumford to a T!!! SHe will even get in the nesting boxes WITH whoever is laying, even if she has laid her egg already! BaHAHAHAHA!!!
I know that sound! My Roo does the same thing!

For me, if it's "laying hours" I know it's the egg song. If not it means "Oh my gosh! I'm freaking out!!! We're all about to die!" either because something unfamiliar comes around or I walk through their run with a bucket, shovel or wheel barrow to clean their coop. I think it's really funny when the other groups that are no where in sight join in and they don't even know what's going on! I guess they're just doing it for moral support.
The people who lives behind us had a chicken that said " there is nothing wrong with me " I am not lying that is the truth. I had people came over and we laugh for hours.
I'm Not Sure...But When I Had to Re-Home My Roo....Henrietta Did This For Hrs The 1st Day He Was Gone. She Also Does It Before She Lays an Egg & If "Something Scares" Her!
With my girls, it means "Its morning!", "I'm laying an egg!", "I just laid an egg!", or "Made you look! I didn't really lay an egg!"

Sometimes in the morning it goes on for a long time, and I'm scared the neighbors are gonna say something about the noise. I don't have roosters for that reason!

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