What does candle an egg mean?


10 Years
Apr 3, 2009
Sorry for such a dumb question, but I am so new to this. One of my hens decided to go broody 3 days ago. This is the first time I have ever experienced this as I have only had chickens since March. After 2 days of seeing her not move off eggs I decided to move her to a spot where she can be alone. I put food and water in there with her. I was reading on here about candleing an egg and have know idea what that even means. Also wondering what all do I need to do for my broody hen? What will she do to the chicks if any of them even hatch?
candling is when you look inside the egg with a flash light are something on that line to see if you have a embroy growing inside.You can also do a search on here also and their are alot of good advise out their on how to candle.As for your hen she will take care of her chicks just like we do as moms, she will do a great job with them. I hope this helps because i'm still new to the chicken thing my self.
Im new to this broody hen lark too Sondra so im glad someone asked on here about candling! my speckeldy has been sat on 7 fertilized eggs we got her 2 weeks ago now so looking forward to day 21! ive also read on here about "pipping" and am wondering what this could be?

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