What does everyone do re worming their ducks ?


6 Years
Aug 24, 2017
My 2 Runner ducks are now 5 years old , very spoiled and having the time of their lives but I was reading an article about geese ( my neighbours have 2 Pilgrims ) and worming and it got me thinking about my own ducks . Should I be worming them ? What does everyone else do ? I’ve read a lot on the subject and it seems to be a bit of a grey area , no one quite knows what to use or a dosage . Any advice would be appreciated
Well you should be able to buy a liquid wormer which will have the dosage on it, Poultry, Chicken or Pig wormer works for me. The brand I use makes a few different kinds of wormer its called "kilverm".
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Although I've clearly had worms in some of my chickens, my runner ducks have never shown any evidence of worms. Still, when I deworm the others, I deworm them, too, just to be safe. But, I only do it when necessary, not as a preventative. Less medicine is better in my book -- for people, too.

I've both individually dosed everybody -- with a liquid, premeasured and loaded into syringes by my vet as well as with a a powder that I had to sprinkle on their food -- and by mixing a dewormer into everyone's waterers. The latter is much easier, as long as you remove all other sources of water so everyone has to drink their meds.
Well you should be able to buy a liquid wormer which will have the dosage on it, Poultry, Chicken or Pig wormer works for me. The brand I use makes a few different kinds of wormer its called "kilverm".
I’ve found something in the UK called VermX saying 1.5 ml in with their water for 3 consecutive days . Does that sound right as I’m wary of things I’ve not given them before .

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