what does it mean when my chickens try to eat me?

Stop dousing yourself in gravy before you go out there!

JK.. I have that problem a bit, too. Dh says it's because I gave them too many treats as chicks, and now they EXPECT me to have some.

Dispite what people say, too much chicken scratch is not that good for them. They eat it because they are seed and bug eaters lay pellets seem foreign to them. Thats just instinctive.

You should cut down a bit on the scratch. I would still give them some... right now I am forced into feeding 50% lay pellets and cracked corn. They have finished their moult and are doing ok but I dislike using corn too much as they eat all of that first and ignore completely the pellets which has all the nutrition they need in it.

With the price of organic feeds I couldn't bear to let it go to waste and I would make them eat it first above the scratch.

Thanks for that Arklady, what do you think about them needing the corn to stay warm at night?

it only gets into the low 40's and high 30's here, not too biter out.
I do see the benefit of feeding cracked corn in the evening but not more than they can eat cause corn is fattening and you don't want overly fat hens... They tend to get egg bound. So if you want to measure out say couple of tablespoons each for standards and less for bantams that would be great.

I feed mine enough pellets that they fill up on corn and realize all they have left is the pellets and generally its all gone by morning.

I make them eat it. I have to because I can't afford to waste any of it.

if I had a choice I would feed only lay pellets... Right now I just have no choice with corn chops being so cheap now that the crop is in its helped me get through this tight money prob.

I got a nasty bite today, I was filling the feeder with pellets, and when the metal garbage cans are opened Chick thinks it means scratch. Because her treats were not fast enough I got nipped. Mine seem to peck because I am the grape/scratch/everything good dispenser and the food must be dispensed NOW!!!!!!
My theory is that chickens test EVERYTHING to see whether or not it's food...including their humans! When I sit with my girls they usually spend a few minutes giving me the once-over, picking at any little thing on me to see if it's something good to eat. They usually stop once they realize I'm STILL not a walking food stick. When anyone gets too aggressive about it (or they don't stop after a few) I just put my index finger over their head when they peck and say a firm "enough". If that doesn't work, a light touch of my finger and a "no" will usually get across that I mean it and they stop.

I find chicken behaviors really fascinating...I've watched them give each other a wide range of pecks and think I've figured out how to mimic with my finger the "that's enough of that" peck...at least that's how it seems!
mdbucks wrote: I then count to ten (like a good parent) and off comes thier head, and I have chicken for dinner.

LOL....Well, I did have to threaten the stew pot ONCE....​
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