What does it mean when....

O'Henry Farms

In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 29, 2010
Grassy Creek, NC
So my first hatching was a huge success (considering the circumstances and my lack of knowledge). I had 11 out of 20 chicks to hatch. They were shipped eggs, in January, and hatched from a dirty well loved LG still air with no turner. They all thrived and we enjoyed them immensely. And so my chicken addiction began. My hubby bought me a hovabator genesis for my b-day. We set 28 eggs: Blue Birchen Marans, Blue Copper Marans, and BLRWs. I think the room temp wasn't as stable as it should have been and the temps got high a few times. (102-104) I was fine with that as we are still learning and was still ok with 12 eggs going to the incubator. I set the eggs on March 12th in the afternoon. Today should be day 21. Yesterday and this morning a blue birchen and 2 copper blues hatched with no problems. But I am freaking because the other 10 haven't even pipped! Humidity is 65-75 and temp is right at 100. I had them in lockdown but I did briefly open them to inspect for pips today. Should I be worried? I will be so disappointed with myself if only 3 hatch! I would candle for movement but I'm trying to respect the lockdown! Please help!
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Don't give up yet, they are just starting, I have had chicks hatch on day 23, and have read that they can hatch up to day 25 sometimes.

Even experienced incubating fools (meant ever so nicely, as I am one of 'em) have bad hatches. Just keep trying! It's not like riding a bicycle where you and the bicycle are the only bits to conquer, there are so many variables to hatching.

Hang in there - the successes make up for the failures. If you quit after a failure, you won't have that wonderful feeling of success! And it will come if you keep trying.
Even experienced incubating fools (meant ever so nicely, as I am one of 'em) have bad hatches. Just keep trying! It's not like riding a bicycle where you and the bicycle are the only bits to conquer, there are so many variables to hatching.

Hang in there - the successes make up for the failures. If you quit after a failure, you won't have that wonderful feeling of success! And it will come if you keep trying.

Incubating fools is right!!! However, if I had given up, I would not have the variety I have or some of my favorite birds. Never give up!!!
I had a complete failure lastThursday ( lost 86 eggs with 50 + already hatched when the theromostat blew ) and set again today in
a different incubator ( handbuilt ), I hope it don't fail this time , but primary incubator will be back on line by Wed and i'll be looking for eggs .
So still no pips on the other 10 eggs. I broke down and candled and saw movement in the BLRWs. The Marans are too dark. Should I continue to hope. The air sacs didn't appear to be broken on the ones I saw. Maybe I just have late bloomers?

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