what does mash look like?


Mar 11, 2010
is regular chick feed mash or crumbles? i always thought it was mash but then i bought a bag of grower crumble and it looked just like the chick starter. could any one post a pic of mash feed and a pic of crumble so that i could see the difference between the feeds?
That really confused me too at first. The chick starter that I buy (Dumor) looks exactly like the layer crumbles. I always thought that mash must mean the same thing as crumbles, but once I bought chick food from a different farm store, and it was really pulverised--it wasn't even crumbles--it was like a powder, and I believe that was the mash.
Yes, that is mash. Some people like it but I think the chickens make a mess with it so feed starter/grower crumbles and layer pellets once they out grow it.
Or if you by a local mash, it has cracked grains & the mineral powders etc. I didn't like Nature's Best grower, because it was total powder, but my chickens love the local stuff with pieces of grain. My feeder is high enough that very little gets wasted.

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