What does my hen have?


In the Brooder
Dec 5, 2020
This afternoon I found my precious hen Luna by the side of the coop while the rest of my chickens were all over my yard. I thought she was dead. When I found her I noticed she has her eye swollen shut. Can someone tell me what she has? She is eating and drinking fine..I already isolated her and brought her inside. I have her in a dog crate. She only wants to sleep on the floor. I put a stick in the crate just incase. Has anyone ever seen or have had this happen to any of their chickens? Please help.


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Have you noticed any wheezing, head shaking, sneezing, runny nostrils? If so, it could be the onset of a respiratory disease.
Otherwise it might be an injury of some sort, perhaps pecked in the eye by another bird. If that's the case, flush the eye with saline solution, then apply Terramycin eye ointment in the eye or neosporin twice a day until healed. You only need to apply a small amount, it will melt in the eye.
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I agree with @nuthatched that a sting seems like a possible option if you don't see other injuries or marks on her. Is she breathing okay and able to drink water? If it is a bee sting, the biggest danger is her airway swelling shut. If she is able to breathe and drink (you may have to give her water with a dropper), I would leave her overnight. If she is having trouble breathing or is still very swollen in the morning, apparently chickens be given Benadryl to help with the swelling, though I haven't done this: http://www.poultrydvm.com/drugs/benadryl#:~:text=Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) is a commonly,birds having an allergic reaction.

Good luck with your lady!
Can you clean her eye with some saline or water? Look inside for any pus or damage to the eye. Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin ointment can be put into the eye twice a day. Look for any nasal drainage, sneezing, or rattly breathing. Those could be signs of a respiratory disease. A peck wound, a foreign body, or sting also could be possible.
put in food and water, see if she shows interest or poops. Is her breathing ok, and nose slits clear? is it JUST 1 EYE? ANY OTHER INJURIES?
I do have food and water in the crate and she is eating and drinking . She is breathing fine. Nostrils seems clear. And yes it is only the 1 eye. The other one is normal.
Have you noticed any wheezing, head shaking, sneezing, runny nostrils? If so, it could be the onset of a respiratory disease.
Otherwise it might be an injury of some sort, perhaps pecked in the eye by another bird. If that's the case, flush the eye with saline solution, then apply Terramycin eye ointment in the eye or neosporin twice a day until healed. You only need to apply a small amount, it will melt in the eye.
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There is no other symptoms but a swollen eye. Ok ty. I will definitely try that.
Have you noticed any wheezing, head shaking, sneezing, runny nostrils? If so, it could be the onset of a respiratory disease.
Otherwise it might be an injury of some sort, perhaps pecked in the eye by another bird. If that's the case, flush the eye with saline solution, then apply Terramycin eye ointment in the eye or neosporin twice a day until healed. You only need to apply a small amount, it will melt in the eye.
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I agree - treat her symptomatically in case it is an eye injury.

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