What does too cold look like?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2009
Eastern Shore, VA
My 7 week old chicks went outside on Christmas day. The temperatures have been 50 in the daytime and 40 in the nighttime for two days (Fri and Sat). I figured that was about right being as they had 50 degrees in the brooder prior to being moved outside. Sunday was a high of 50 and a low of 38, and Monday was a high of 40 and a low of 37.

This morning they were doing great. Happy and chirping. So 37 definitely wasn't too cold.

Tonight however they are calling for a low of 27. So I went over to check on them about 5 minutes ago. They were cuddled up as usual, snuggled all together on their shelf. Everyone (all 6 chicks) perked up when I opened the door and petted them. They were all warm under their feathers and showed no signs of stress, other than sleepiness.

I used a temp-gun: the outside of the coop was 35, the shavings on the floor of the coop were between 35-40, and the shelf they were all cuddled on was 40-65 degrees (mainly from their body heat).

So after my long tirade, my question boils down to this. What signs should I look for as to being 'too cold?'

Thanks bunches!!
Well I've been watching the temperature closely for the last two hours, and it's only dropped 2 degrees (to 33). I've been debating over what to do. But really they should be just fine. Expecially when keeping in mind that they were acting completely normal when I went over there earlier.

I'm probably just too nervous myself.

I would love it someone would post symptoms of 'too cold' for me.
No rush though. I think I'm going to bed now that I've convinced myself they're okay. BYC is the best sounding board for convincing myself.
I wish I could help you but my idiot birds sleep in a tree in a snow and ice storm instead of in the coop with other chickens and ducks. If they can snuggle together for warmth they should be fine I would think.
From what I've read is the each put off about 10 watts of heat, so I think if their cuddled together they should be fine as long as there are no drafts. They coop needs to be vented, but not drafty. I think your chickens are very lucky to have a carring owner looking after them.
This morning I woke up and checked the weather before I even got out of bed (yay ipod apps) and freaked. It was 24 degrees! I swear from the moment my foot hit the floor until I ran out the door, it couldn't have been more than 2 minutes. Looking back it was most impressive.

I pulled up to the coop to no chicks sitting in the window ... because they were all running around playing. Phew! So 7 week olds can take 24 degrees. Definitely not ideal conditions, but they were all happy as could be this morning.

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