What does your new spring flock additions consist of, or look like?


12 Years
May 27, 2007
Western NY
I got 2 white rocks , 4 EE's, 2 barred rocks, 5 light brahmas, 5 buttercups, 3 red sex links, 3 white leg horns, And 6 pekin ducks (but one perished today). I am done til next spring. I am very happy with this years results. I do have a few eggs in a bator..






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2 Barred Rock, 3 Partridge Cochins, 2 Amercuna, 6 Slate Guineas, 2 Austrolorps, 9 barnyard mix, and 40 eggs in the bator that should hatch May 10th. 18 Delawares, 4 silkies, 3 OEGB, and a mix of RIR, Black Star and who knows what!!!
Oh, and a Partridge in a pear tree!!!
Spring is awesome!!!! We added 3 ee bantamXsilkie......1 Barred Rock, 1 white Rock 1 GLW and thanks to Siz8003
we will be hatching 3 blue-laced red wyondottes. What a fun time of year with all the new life in the coop and the leaves on the trees and all the wild birds hatching eggs too
Ok, the new chicks I got this spring. 5 Cuckoo Marans, 3 Sumatras, and 3 EE's (they were so cute, with their little cheek tufts, or whatever you call them, I could not resist) I snuck in the 3 ee's, the sumatras, and one cuckoo maran. My dh thought I only had 4 cuckoo marans. Then went in the shed to find the others. He said, I think your chicks had babies. LOL

And I have a broody sitting on 16 mixed eggs. 6 of them thanks to jab91864. They are due on the 16th. I'm so excited.
Not counting the ones that didn't make it, I have the following:
2 Mille Fluer d'Uccles
5 Partridge and Red Silkies
12 Blue Ameraucanas
1 F&W Runner
1 Black Cayuga
I started with 5 Bantam chicks, 4 of which died:( But then we got 2 Pekin Ducks. Yesterday I got 2 more ducks (A crested and what looks like a runner), 2 pair of BB Red Bantams, and 3 Black Hens. Can't remember what breed:( They sure are pretty though:) The black hens had 1 med. size white egg in their pen this afternoon already and that is in my new incubator and 24 eggs on on their way in the mail of various rare breeds. LOL I went from having 1 Bantam Silkie to a dozen chickens in about an hour at the swap yesterday. Yikes!
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5 Golden Commet pullets
20+ Jumbo Cortunix Quail

I would have TONS more if I had the room and money for feed lol.
Nice additions everyone else!

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