What else can I do??


5 Years
Apr 14, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
Hi All
I need help. I'm not sure what else to do. I figured out my BO probably has Cocci. See below....

I know it's not a great shot, but this is her most recent poop, about 20 min ago. The sun bleaches out the color...believe me it is very yellow and mucousy. No blood. She seemed to rally a bit yesterday with some wet oatmeal and hand syringed water, and actually began to drink a bit on her own. She laid around most of the day. I separated her and she seemed much more comfortable. Today, she won't eat or drink. She seems weaker, although her gaze is sharp. She also nods off a lot. Her paleness varies with how much stuff I can get into her. I squirt a bit of water along her beak line and it goes in. It must because it doesn't end up on me or her. She swallows, but not sure how much she is getting.....
What I haven't said is that she started Corid yesterday. All of her oatmeal was mixed with drench. All of her syringed water was treated water. I did not get a lot of water into her either. We tried opening her mouth, but she fought like crazy. I know she is dehydrated.
So my questions are: What else can I do?? Even though it is a small amount, will it help?? When should I see improvement?? I'm at a loss. I don't want to lose her, nor will I let her suffer endlessly. I could really use some input....thanks.
How old is your chicken? You might want to tube feed her to make sure that she gets her medicine and fluids. Here is a good thread about how to do it: https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/805728/go-team-tube-feeding
Coccidiosis symptoms are lethargy, hunched or puffed up posture, not eating, later followed by not drinking, runny poops with mucus or blood, and ruffled feathers.
Yellow poops can be a sign of E.coli infection or Egg yolk peritonitis and internal laying. White urates in large amounts in the droppings can be a sign of kidney disease. Can you get a vet to see her? A couple of fresh droppings could be tested by your vet for cocci and worms. Any other symptoms, such as if she has been laying eggs, how she looks and stands, would help in a diagnosis.
She stopped laying about 3 weeks ago. Had a case of bumble foot, which healed well with excision and treatment. I wormed her as well. She should be receiving her 10 day dose on the 17th, but I'm not sure she'll make it. Yes, on all the above symptoms, except blood in her stools. She is a little over 2 years old. No vet in my area specializes in avian care and there is no way I can justify a $200 vet bill. With the heat and panting, it actually works in my favor. When she pants, I can shoot medicated water (w/ electrolytes added due to the heat)into her beak successfully. I do this every few hours. Still no food. She can barely stand. She stays laying down. I'll take a look at that video, but I am losing hope. Thanks for the response and the help. It is much appreciated!

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