What else to do for bottle lambs


10 Years
Nov 8, 2009
We've got two little bottle lambs (Olivia is three weeks, Gordie is two) and it's going to be a while before they can go outside. They drink several bottles a day, have access to creep feed and hay but they still want to put everything into their mouths. I'm assuming it's out of curiosity but this is my first time with lambs. Is there anything safe for them to chew on or play with? Thanks
We've just given ours hay to nibble on. They aren't really going to eat substantial grain and hay for a while. You can get one of those horse toy balls or a dog toy to entertain them. I assume they have a fairly small pen inside. We usually take ours out for 20 minutes or so to run around each day until they get more comfortable with the idea. Oh... you can give them a salt/mineral block too. Sometimes they are looking for a nutrient like that. JUST MAKE SURE THE BLOCK IS LABELED FOR SHEEP! Some blocks have amounts of copper that are lethal to sheep. Hope that helps. Sheep are sooooo much fun. We have a small flock of Jacob mixed and Cheviot ewes with a Jacob ram named Charlie.
Hows about some pics???
They can't go outside because the ground is frozen so I can't set any fence posts to make a lamb sized run- the two small runs that are fenced already are filled with deep snow and some mud (I love spring).
I will get a sheep block and see if that's what they are craving. They did make their own fun by rolling an empty pop bottle the length of the kitchen and back last evening, maybe I'll offer some non-edible dog toys today.



Gordie has a snack by Maxxchaos, on Flickr[/img]


lounge lambs by Maxxchaos, on Flickr[/img]

video of them dancing around the mud room http://www.flickr.com/photos/maxchaos/5459791407/

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