What features would you include in your dream-coop design?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
Hi folks - I am having a coop built which will have indoor and outdoor access for humans as well as birds. I am trying to think of every last thing I can think of to add (electrical hookups, linoleum flooring in the poop areas, easy-access flaps for the nesting boxes, etc) and I want to be sure I make all my requests before the final nails are pounded. What would you want in your custom built coop?
Large enough to hold a lawn chair (for me) and two galvanized garbage cans (for feed.)

Not sure why you want linoleum flaps on the nest boxes.
Couple of things I thought about long and hard before I started:

-Predator proof
-supplemental heat if you live where its cold
-lots of venting
-it would be nice if there was a place to store your feed and supplies.

I was planning on putting down linoleum flooring in the bottom of the coop, but further research led me to many people who said the hens feet would actually end up tearing it up from scratching. I ended up buying rubber workout flooring in rolls that were 4'x10' and putting that down. Pretty tough stuff and I don't anticipate a problem.

If you have an Atwoods nearby, I found 2'x3' oil change pans that are basically a giant cookie sheet. I placed those under the roost and they have been a godsend for catching and removing poop.

Just kidding.

I currently have poop boards, auto feed and water, predator proof run(no need to close/open coop door), run that you can stand up in, external nest box access.

something I'd love to have would be a big enough run to partition it off into sections that can then be rotated for access and regrowth.
Are you going to have a run area or just free range? I am going to try to have a way to open the chicken door into the run without have to go in. I'm thinking a sliding door hooked to a cable and pulley will work.
My coop and run have everything I wanted, except maybe the lowest part of the run should be 6' high so I don't have crouch my neck, and I wish it has solar power to warm the water bucket in the winter.
I should have said "poop boards" regarding the linoleum, and a hinged upward-lifted door/flap to collect the eggs. I like the idea that the door would lift upward so I can collect eggs as well as clean out the nesting area.

Just kidding.

I currently have poop boards, auto feed and water, predator proof run(no need to close/open coop door), run that you can stand up in, external nest box access.

something I'd love to have would be a big enough run to partition it off into sections that can then be rotated for access and regrowth.

I feel a little thick asking this, but I thought I knew what poop boards were, and now...I'm not sure. Are the poop boards just for under where the roosts are? It seems like wherever there are chickens, there's poop. So how are these boards put to use?

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