What gender are my 4 chicks


In the Brooder
Jul 11, 2016
Hello i was wondering if my 4 chicks are girls or boys they are around 3 and a half weeks old i have no idea or guess at what gender they are as im new to chickens i have a brown leghorn two cuckoo marans and one goldlaced wyondotte they are all the same age i got them from a feed store the lady didnt really tell me the genders she just grabbed them w out really inspecting them.
I kind of dont know how to post pictures lol do i have to have a computer to upload pictures i have a phone and i cant seem to figure out how to upload the
Leghorns tend to have larger combs, sit it easily could be a girl. I'd wait it out a week or two, and if the comb starts to turn red, it's probably a guy.
Most feed stores generally sell pullets (girls) for common non-bantam breeds.

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