What gender are my chicks!


5 Years
Sep 16, 2014
Vancouver Island, BC
Hello everyone! I have 6 dark Brahma chicks and really need some help telling the sex. It's driving me mad!!! They are 7 weeks old and are close to being almost fully feathered. I have heard that with this breed the females mature a lot quicker and you can really tell the sex at almost a few days. I have 3 which are a lot maturer than the others and 3 a lot less mature though 1 which is a lot less mature but looks like none of the others. He/she is going in the female feathering and none of the others are! Here are some pictures of them. Please help!

male? unknown female? male and unknown
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Hello everyone! I have 6 dark Brahma chicks and really need some help telling the sex. It's driving me mad!!! They are 7 weeks old and are close to being almost fully feathered. I have heard that with this breed the females mature a lot quicker and you can really tell the sex at almost a few days. I have 3 which are a lot maturer than the others and 3 a lot less mature though 1 which is a lot less mature but looks like none of the others. He/she is going in the female feathering and none of the others are! Here are some pictures of them. Please help!

male? unknown female? male and unknown
The center bird looks like your only definite pullet. The others have male-patterned feathers.
Here are my guesses.
Hello everyone! I have 6 dark Brahma chicks and really need some help telling the sex. It's driving me mad!!! They are 7 weeks old and are close to being almost fully feathered. I have heard that with this breed the females mature a lot quicker and you can really tell the sex at almost a few days. I have 3 which are a lot maturer than the others and 3 a lot less mature though 1 which is a lot less mature but looks like none of the others. He/she is going in the female feathering and none of the others are! Here are some pictures of them. Please help!

Female Male Male left female right
The first and second one are a lot less mature, they are still very fluffy and have shorter tail feathers. The third has longer tail feathers and is maturing quicker!

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