What Genders are these Ducklings?


7 Years
Jun 26, 2012
My sister recently got 2 ducklings, and we were wondering what gender they are. We are certainly keeping them both. We just wanted to know.

The Black and White-ish one is Tyger, and the brown one is LeBeau (Leh-Bow). They are about two weeks old.

I would like to know the breed also, I think Tyger might be a blue swedish.

If you need more pictures or information, feel free to ask.
Wait 4-6 more weeks and their voices should change(usually happens between 6-8 weeks of age), if it quacks clear and loud its female if it sounds raspy and whispery its male, other then that you cannot tell by looking at them until the possible males are old/mature enough to grow that curly drake feather on their tails. Their voices change to their adult voice way before that happens so you shouldnt have to wait that long to find out.

I would say Rouen on the brown and black Swedish(blue doesnt breed true, you get blacks too) on the other.
agree with voice and there are some excellent duck pages where you can hear ducklings and hear the difference and that might help as a reference point.

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