What GOOD DEED have you done lately???


This thread reminds me. Did you get a package yet?

You had a whole thread dedicated to you and you didn't even know it!!


LOL, NO, I had no idea!

It's been a little crazy around here this week.
I was recently blessed with a new job that I love......The kid at work that washes dishes, got his first apartment.(I drive him to work) He's young & learning how the world works. He hasn't a cent left after paying rent. So I brought him some eggs, baked goods & paper plates. As I walked to his apartment, I spotted these 5 little kids standing in a glass door,in the next apartment over staring at me. I could see threw the glass, they didn't even have furniture. (I wanted to turn & give them the food) It turns out,their mom just left their dad & He made them leave with nothing but the cloths on their backs. So I got them pumpkins & Cider donuts to eat while they carve & left them on their porch...My wife was telling her employer about it,& how heart wrenching it is to see kids having to go threw that. Her employer thought it was nice that people like us that are just getting back on there feet themselves, would give like that. So she went upstairs & came down with an envelope. There was $100 in it for the kids. We turned the $100 into a wallmart gift card (Because I don't know the mothers background) , & left the card in a box of eggs on their porch for them.......... I thought it was a pretty cool how something as simple as the gift of a box of eggs, turned into a chain reaction of giving. Next time you have something extra, gift it to some one that needs it. You never know what you'll start!
We are starting to "gather" supplies for our Christmas homeless boxes .. we haven't done them in a couple years..

We like to put together a box with things like :

hand and feet warmers
personal hygeine items
then some gift items ..


We like to add Christmas Card and we gift wrap in Christmas paper ..

How long has it been since some of these folks have really had a Christmas gift ??

It does a heart good.
My friend has just learned she has cancer. I have offered to drive her and to stay with her while she recovers and to take her to any appts she needs to go to in the future.
I consider this my good deed:

I called the police on a woman who was falling out of her electric shopping cart, slurring her words, and had been at the store for 4 hours previously. She alternated between drooling and attempting to talk or sleeping in the electric cart the day before.

So, when I saw her again, I called the police because she drives herself. If she can't drive the electric cart...no way in HECK am I letting her out on the road.

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