what goose breed is best with kids i want chinese???

I raised my pair of Chinese from babies. They imprinted on me and I was mom. As such I raise them right lol. I taught them what was and what wasn't acceptable behavior and I never had any problems. Mine knew that they were not allowed to bite, period, and I totally trusted both my goose and gander around the 1 year old, even when she chased them behind my back. Even when he hissed to protect the setting female and then when he was raising te goslings I knew he would never hurt anyone. So basically it can be done with Chinese. Oh and these were guard geese who totally eradicated my stray dog and skunk problem lol
Isn't it funny how a goose can be so protective. I would never have believed they could fix a stray dog and skunk problem before I owned some. I would say get what ever breed you want. I allow my four year old to chase ours, they never turn on him, just run away and squawk. I doubt its cruel because I've seen them take on the dog. He just stands there like yes scratch my butt haha. If you really want a good pet for kids I full heartily recommend a golden retriever. But geese are sure interesting.

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