What got my chicken??


6 Years
Jun 26, 2017
Concord, NH
I looked out into my coop this morning to see the chickens' waterer had fallen over. I went outside to fix it and noticed feathers everywhere in the run and one of my chickens dead in the corner. One of her legs was pulled under the coop and was mostly eaten, but her feet were intact. I can't find any tracks because it was raining, but there seems to be a small blood trail leading up to the top of the run where the fencing isn't finished. Her head and crop are intact and don't have any noticeable wounds, but I think her insides were eaten. I'm also not too sure when it occurred because I irresponsibly left the coop door open into the run last night. My one other chicken is really broody right now and is ok, still just sitting in one of the nesting boxes. I also found a destroyed small white egg outside of the coop right next to where my chicken's leg was sticking out. My chickens lay brown eggs so I'm not sure where this egg came from or what it could mean. Could it be that it was an underdeveloped egg that was in my girl's tract? I need to figure out what it was that got my sweet girl so that I can get rid of it and prevent this from happening again!
Can't help you with the what, but likely the egg was from your hen. As I understand it, the color is applied at the end of development, right before the bloom, then laid. It probably hadn't gotten as far as that yet. Sorry about the hen. Best to finish enclosing the run, and of course, shut the coop door. What ever it was, will likely be back. A trail camera would help identify, if you have access to one.
Sounds like raccoon to me. But I agree check the poultry predator tool.

It is imperative that you finish the coop run tonight or close in your remaining broody hen for her safety.

That animal will be back tonight for dessert.

Setting a live trap can help. Check youtube videos for proper set up to catch raccoon.

Yes, the white egg was an undeveloped egg from the hen's tract.

Classic sign of raccoon....dragged through, eaten entrails on spot. Will be back tonight.

When you figure out the animal, check your local ordinances for removal. Many places forbid rehoming but allow owners to kill predators that harm livestock on property.

I would put them on lockdown in the coop at night until your run is fully enclosed. Also make sure the run door has a secure lock on it. Raccoons have the intelligence of a 3 year old child and can figure out simple locks and latches pretty easily.

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