What got my hen? Again..... It's Coyotes??


9 Years
Oct 13, 2010
Franklin, NC
Well a week ago I lost my EE hen Abby, you might of seen my post asking what it was that got her. I was in the morning that I let them out and it was cloudy so I thought it was a GHO ( great horned owl ) But I am thinking that it is not a GHO I have been home all day it has been beautiful out and I went out to get the eggs and I am know down to 3 hens. This time it's my Jersey Giant that is gone. Again they all seem fine just pecking around and ran to greet me like nothing was wrong.

Please does any one have an ideas? I have no clue what to do and what's getting them.

Thank You

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How early did you let them out? When was the last time you saw her? To have one just disappear with the others fine, I would suspect a fox or coyote. I didn't see when your other disappeared--did you have any trace of her, or did she just disappear, too?
It's hard to tell, especially with no evidence. If she was a full size Jersey and she's just gone, I'd have to suspect something like a coyote or dog. I'd recommend you keep them locked up if possible and get a trail camera to try to capture this thing on film. Once a predator gets a "free" meal they will likely be back until their all gone. So sorry for your loss and good luck.
There was no trace of my EE as there is no trace of my JG they are just gone. I have been letting them out late the past three days or so today was at 11:00. I checked on them around 12:20 at 12:50 she was gone. My EE was 8 pounds my JG was 9-10 pounds easy.

Thanks For The Help
We had a problem with a fox a couple of summers ago. He took my full-grown Jersey Giant roo without a sound, as well as about a dozen others before we had a chance to build a run for them. The only way I knew it was a fox is because I happened to be outside and saw him the last time. He would hit anywhere from 10:00 a.m. to about 12:30 p.m., sometimes while we were outside in the yard! We kept everyone penned for about a month. We never caught the fox and luckily have not seen once since.
The method of operation (MO) of my GHO's is very consistent. They take birds either from roost or as they are going to it. They take noisy stragglers if caught during the time when birds going to roost. Such losses starting to not bother me. When taking birds from roost they seem to be very consisent about taking smallest birds first. They kill bird on sight by ripping at neck. Talons certainly important too with smaller prey. Then they try to fly of with catch. They can not fly with anything much over 1/2 their own weight (personal observation). They seem barely able to fly with a 2 pound prey item. All my lost birds were consumed neck and head first. They will come back second night to finish off carcass. They also will walk around on ground and attempt to reach into coop with foot. They can kill something a lot bigger than they are but do not have ability to move such items. If big birds taken without being consumed on spot, then likely not GHO.

Oh, and the buggers are persistant. The come back even after chased off. Lot in common with oppossums on that account. I do not think they are any smarter than oppossums. Break line of sight and you can beat them easy.
I would suspect a fox.

A dog would kill for sport and wipe out the whole flock, or at least run them ragged as that is what they find fun about chickens, and any chickens that survived would be scared for a while afterward, not acting normally.

I've had foxes take roosters (albeit at night) so I doubt it would help. A roo might warn the others though
Are there coyotees in your area?
I have coyotees and racoons that raid my chickens. There's some hawks that are sizing up my little (3) flock. coyotees, racoons, or hawks, they all enjoy dining on your chickens.

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