What happened to FALL


13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Garden Valley, ca
I am going to need to put a heater in the coops this year. Last week the night temp was in the mid 50s, last night is was in the mid 30s. Tonight it is suppose to be in the mid 20s. Yesterday there was snow only 22 miles from here. Darn I am going to need to get the chickens some long johns. When I got up at 4 A M this morning I couldn't get the wood stove started fast enough. At least it will be warm for the DW and all the kids that stayed here last night. If I stay outside long enough, maybe breakfast will be ready when I come in. Can't stay out to long for it is to early to hit the brandy bottle.
I hear you! It's freezing here too already. I woke up this morning and there is ice on the car and the ground is white with frost. Good thing I picked all our tomatos yesterday afternoon or I would have lost them.
With you on this one! Just looked at our electricity bill for the last six months and the average high temperature has been anywhere from one degree to 8 degrees below average this year. Tonight it's supposed to be 21 degrees. Brrrrrrr!

When I got ready to go out this morning it was only 26 degrees this morning. I am sorry but that is cold for October here. The cars are frozen solid, the goat's water had ice in it and the rooster and two hens wouldn't join the rest of the flock in the run. BRRRRRRRR!
Don't I know it. We had a heavy frost almost a month ago. No frost warning were issued. I harvested a whole 3 tomatoes,lost my squash plants. Now we're under a winter storm warning. The high today is only going to be in the 30s.It's 34 degrees right now.
Had my grandson and his friend helping me with the feeding this morning just after day light. Looked around for the friend and he was gone.
Then I saw him coming back down the canyon, asked him where he went. He said he had to pee so he when back to the house, I asked him why he didn't pee next to the fence, to cold here afraid it would freeze was his answer.
He said his dad told him that people in Alaska peed ice cubes. To be so naive. BUT YOU MUST BELIEVE DAD.
Had my grandson and his friend helping me with the feeding this morning just after day light. Looked around for the friend and he was gone.
Then I saw him coming back down the canyon, asked him where he went. He said he had to pee so he when back to the house, I asked him why he didn't pee next to the fence, to cold here afraid it would freeze was his answer.
He said his dad told him that people in Alaska peed ice cubes. To be so naive. BUT YOU MUST BELIEVE DAD.
Sorry to hear this.
We're the northern part of the continent. Getting a little break though it won't last, we often have snow by end of October.
It's Canadian Thanksgiving this week-end, maybe that's keeping the icy weather at bay...

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