This morning when I went out to open the coop and feed, one my my gold sex links was standing in the corner very still, closing her eyes. I walked over to her and scooped her up and she didnt move. It was like she was shocked and frozen? So I set her in a nest box and tried to feed her and of course she wasnt intersted.
I moved her to her own nursery coop with water and food and had to go to work. My hubby just called to tell me she had died. Theres been NO SIGNS at all. She was a little over a year old, free range, supplemented with soy free layer crumbles. Can an egg bound bird die that fast? That always seems to be the issue with those sex links.
I'm nervous I might have a bigger problem on my hands?
I moved her to her own nursery coop with water and food and had to go to work. My hubby just called to tell me she had died. Theres been NO SIGNS at all. She was a little over a year old, free range, supplemented with soy free layer crumbles. Can an egg bound bird die that fast? That always seems to be the issue with those sex links.
I'm nervous I might have a bigger problem on my hands?