What happened to my chickens butts??!!!!! (pics)

These guys have grown up together from day one. I have a rooster but he is the guy in the first pic. They have lots of room and they are not that old. My rooster can't even crow yet!
Where do you get a diagnosis of vent gleet from a picture of a picked back/rump? That's the first I've heard that. I do agree they need proper chick feed and ensure they have ample space to get away from each other. Also, once picking behavior starts it can be hard to get under control. Each picked bird needs to be separated from other chickens to have a chance to heal. You will need to monitor so they don't get infection and so flies don't lay eggs on them. I would spray with blue kote and separate.

In addition to space, stressed birds can also start this type of behavior. Try to keep stress at a minimal (too hot, too cold, not enough room, proper balanced diet, fresh water, etc).
I'm new here, so listen to the more experience members first, but I agree that (from what I've read here previously) it looks like they were pecked at. Our TSC and our local feed store both carry Blue Kote and I'd try that. Poor things, hope they heal up fast.
Can you confirm something about the photo to be sure: are we looking at the backs of the chickens or have you turned them over and are showing the underside with red rears?
I have a week old chicken and had the same problem, it's bleeding and I try clean it but it's hard look like something grow, I didn;t see other baby pick on her/him, I just want to post the question but I saw you had the same problem too

please help, my baby still eating and alert but sleep alot

thank you
If you will go back and look at the pictures, you'll see that the pictures are taken looking down at the back of the birds. See the angle of the tail? There are no pictures of the vent area, so I don't think the vent gleet diagnosis is valid.
It's their backs. They are in a hospital cage and healing nicely. They are even growing back their feathers! How long till i can put them back with the others? The flock has plenty of room and are outside.

I want out to feed them and saw them like that quite a shock.

They are still eating chick food.

I agree that it looks like they got pecked. Thanks so much for answering quickly.

My roo is not healing as nicely as the leghorn is, he looks like crap. Poor guy!
Vent Gleet: Chronic inflammation of the cloaca w/ a very offensive odor coming from the material seeping out onto the skin and feathers beneath the vent. It would appear the birds in the photo have injuries to their backside from being pecked at.

Glad to hear they are doing better but I think your going to have to find out who the meanie is in your pen before intergrating them back into the flock or the same thing is bound to happen.

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