What happened to this egg?


6 Years
Jun 17, 2018
Upstate NY
Found this in one of my best boxes. Had 4 other eggs in the other two.
Pullets are 22 weeks old, and I've been getting 2-4 eggs a day for about 10 days. Don't believe all have layed yet.

Could this have been a first egg And broke on its way out? It looks like there's a little yolk-ish stuff in it.
Gals are on mix of layer and all flock(20%), because I had a bag layer and switched to all flock.
There is a dish of OS there for them all the time. Should I add some OS to the feed?
Would she have eaten the yolk, but not the shell?
Unfortunately you have an egg eater on your hands. Some hens will eat eggs. They do this by breaking the egg and eating the yolk. I don’t usually see them eat the shell.

This is not normal* Or... preferred
If you continue to find eggs like this I would say yes and egg eater. If it’s only this one time then I would say that it might have been a softer shell than normal and was stepped on and broke. I have had this happen, and often if a hen finds it will eat it but I haven’t had one continue to eat them, but you may want to keep an eye out just Incase some will continue to eat them once they get a taste.
There was other eggs in the two adjoining boxes that were not eaten. However the first couple times I heard them lay, a went out and they were pecking at the egg, but it was layed in the run. I've found two eggs on the coop floor intact, so really hoping it was a fluke.
Put golf balls or ceramic eggs in the nest boxes if you haven’t already. That should teach them not to peck at them and also show them where to lay their eggs. (If they haven’t figured it out).
Put golf balls or ceramic eggs in the nest boxes if you haven’t already. That should teach them not to peck at them and also show them where to lay their eggs. (If they haven’t figured it out).

Fake eggs have been in place. Put them in when the first few eggs were not in the boxes.
Pullet curiosity pecking maybe.
Or shell may have been a bit thin and thus easily broken by being stepped on or kicked about?
Just try to gather eggs often to remove the 'opportunity' that could lead to habit.

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