What happening to this chick?

Jade W

In the Brooder
Jun 17, 2022
3 week old EE chick was fine up until this morning. She is trying to stand, but can’t. She can move her legs a little, and can wrap her toes around my fingers, but barely. She has had diarrhea a couple times. I isolated her immediately. Vent picture after I cleaned her up and soaked for 10 min.

This is the first time I’ve owned chicks, so they have not been exposed to any other chickens since purchased at the farm store 2 1/2weeks ago.


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This starter feed, and I add electrolytes and vitamins to their water. All other chicks doing fine.


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This starter feed, and I add electrolytes and vitamins to their water. All other chicks doing fine.
I don't know that brand.

I'd stop the vitamin, & electrolytes in the water since everyone else is fine, & only treat this particular chick.

This could be some sort of deficiency, or due to potential injury.
At this age she might possibly have coccidiosis. Diarrhea is one symptom, and others are weakness, lethargy, not eating, and dehydration. The treatment is Corid or amprollium in the water for 5-7 days. Dosage is 10 mlor 2 tsp of the. Corid liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. You can give her 0.1 tsp or a couple of drops of the undiluted Corid orally to jump start her.
At this age she might possibly have coccidiosis. Diarrhea is one symptom, and others are weakness, lethargy, not eating, and dehydration. The treatment is Corid or amprollium innthe water for 5-7 days.
Weird, never had Coccidiosis caused weakness in my chicks. Just diarrhea/bloody diarrhea, & puffing up. Learn something new everyday.
At this age she might possibly have coccidiosis. Diarrhea is one symptom, and others are weakness, lethargy, not eating, and dehydration. The treatment is Corid or amprollium in the water for 5-7 days. Dosage is 10 mlor 2 tsp of the. Corid liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder per gallon of water. You can give her 0.1 tsp or a couple of drops of the undiluted Corid orally to jump start her.
Do I treat the entire flock or just this one?
Weird, never had Coccidiosis caused weakness in my chicks. Just diarrhea/bloody diarrhea, & puffing up. Learn something new everyday.
Having coccidiosis prevents the chick from actually absorbing the nutrition in the intestines... Which can cause serious issues because it doesn't get a balanced diet.

Can you get clear pictures of fresh poop please?
You feed any treats?
Do I treat the entire flock or just this one?
If one chick has it then they all have it.
If you are going to use Corid you treat the entire flock at the same time.

Also where did you purchase the chicks from and how long have you had them?

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