what happens if you get cought with a rooster in NYC.


13 Years
Sep 10, 2010
Hello everyone I was wondering just in case my SLW is a Roo .what happens if you get caught with a
ROO in NYC. will I get a fine and how much,or will they tell me to get rid of it
no they are not legal,I'm just trying to find out how much trouble I will be if I get caught.
THing is, that New Yorkers fought for this right, and there is a reason for the no rooster law. THEY ARE LOUD AND ANNOYING! I think you are doing chicken people a BIG injury by breaking the rules.

One too many hens is one thing. Having a loud animal that EVERYONE will know about is another. THere is no way you will keep this rooster quiet, he will bust out and annoy people- at 4 AM no less!

You may also lose your right to keep any chickens in NYC limits.
little farm big happy, chill I don't have any roosters yet. I was just concerned that if one of my chicks turns into a rooster,I ordered pullets only, but I do have a chance of having males.
this is what you do. keep the chicks and raise them. then if one turns into a roo, make a little tiny muzzle out of a peanut shell and a rubber band and ask him politely to place it on his beak before sunrise.
Here is the code but I don't see sanything in there about fines. I think if it turns out to be a roo just rehome it as soon as possible (before it starts crowing) and you should be OK. Good luck!
They are no more annoying than a bunch of dogs barking all of the time and dogs bark a lot louder than any rooster. My rooster hardly ever crows but the dogs we have bark all of the time. Luckily we live in the country so it doesn't bother others. When I lived in a subdivision, dogs all over the neighborhood barked all of the time including my next door neighbors, who barked all through the night.

People seem to think barking dogs are okay but not a rooster that crows occasionally. Does not make any sense.

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