What Happens when you un-friend someone from facebook?

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no worries, no matter what, we lurvvvvvvvvvvvvvves ya girly.
It takes a pretty thick skin and everyone IS entitled to their opinions. I would not lose a friend, particuarly someone I have known a long time, to do something like that. I would not block them either unless it is terrible offensive. Heck I got friends on there that are soooooo bad but I don't read their quotes into it too deeply. I just skim over the quotes and if it bothers me, I let it go and keep on reading. If I was not too sure, I would IM them to clarify it. Internet communications are devoid of expression, tone of voice, and so forth. How would one know if that friend is teasing, or mocking you? You simply don't unless you do have a very clear conscience and defination of what exactly what they mean.

If I was you, Boyd, if I value that friendship, mull over it a few days or a week if you need it. Life is too short for one little thing that happened on here. You guys can make up, sit down and communicate and both of you should be able to make apologies and be sincere about it. Sure it will happen again and again, we all get into stuff like that and then realize, hey, either both of us are wrong or both of us are NOT wrong, just differences. It is OK to disagree on the issues you will not agree on.

I agree with PotterWatch about unfriending everyone on the list because of religious beliefs......we have different beliefs, religion and no one is better or worse than anyone else. Respect, toleration, patience and understanding are the most important things to remember when you have families and friendsof all walks of life.

I hope I make myself clear....been a very long day today.
I have unfriended 2 people. I DO NOT get on there to gossip, I just laugh with my friends, and share scripture, etc.. One girl is a drama queen, and I unfriended her because I got tired of page after page of her nonstop whining. The other was hubb's niece. She was suggesting 30 or so friends a day for me, and I have plenty (more than she does). I sent her a message, asking if she could please stop, that I choose my friends. I told her that I appreciate her help, but please stop. She sent me a return message saying "No, I cannot". Huh? So I unfriended her. She sent me another message asking me why I act like I do (?). I said that I asked her nicely, she said no, so I stopped it myself. That's why I act like I do. So I blocked her and her boyfriend.
This is a very good point. Alot of people don't realize how different things sound when they're being read. That happened with a good friend of mine. I didn't unfriend him because he's one of my closest friends, but it really hurt that he'd say something so nasty about me. A few weeks later he was rereading what he wrote and realized how it had sounded to me, and was very sorry. Maybe you can talk to your friend in person after you've both had some time to calm down?
This is a very good point. Alot of people don't realize how different things sound when they're being read. That happened with a good friend of mine. I didn't unfriend him because he's one of my closest friends, but it really hurt that he'd say something so nasty about me. A few weeks later he was rereading what he wrote and realized how it had sounded to me, and was very sorry. Maybe you can talk to your friend in person after you've both had some time to calm down?

^^^ looks like good advice to me.... I care about you both, and hope you can resolve your issues.
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