What Have You Done Lately?


Egg Obsessed
5 Years
Feb 5, 2018
Northwest Oregon
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone!
Sometimes I get really busy with "life" and BYC falls to the wayside.

I know this must happen to other folks as well, I'm sure you've all probably got some pretty cool stuff going on, so feel free to share whatever you'd like. Tell me about where you've been, what you did, or what you made, bought or found, projects you've been working on, or even if you learned something new.

They say pictures are worth a thousand words so go ahead and post those if you'd rather.





So we recently got back from a nice long visit at the Oregon coast, which was a little cold and drizzly for a couple days and then it was beautiful.

We stayed at a dog-friendly hotel at the south end of the Promenade in Seaside. These 2 gulls were just hanging out by our back patio...

We played on the beach, went shopping, bought a whole box of fudge and various other treats along with hand picked salt-water taffy in about a zillion flavors, rode the carousel, ate a ton of seafood and lazed around by the fireplace.





Twelve years ago, my husband and I went to Seaside for an "economical" honeymoon and it's become a regular anniversary tradition. After our daughter was born, we left her with grandma that first year while we went away, but it was oddly lonesome. She's come with us every year since and we won't be leaving her behind again anytime soon, at least until she gets to the age she doesn't want to hang out with us anymore. The beach is our favorite family getaway... Seaside every fall, Newport every spring, and any other coastal towns we can fit in during the year.
Hello everyone!
Sometimes I get really busy with "life" and BYC falls to the wayside.View attachment 1963588

I know this must happen to other folks as well, I'm sure you've all probably got some pretty cool stuff going on, so feel free to share whatever you'd like. Tell me about where you've been, what you did, or what you made, bought or found, projects you've been working on, or even if you learned something new.

They say pictures are worth a thousand words so go ahead and post those if you'd rather.

So we recently got back from a nice long visit at the Oregon coast, which was a little cold and drizzly for a couple days and then it was beautiful.
View attachment 1963589

We stayed at a dog-friendly hotel at the south end of the Promenade in Seaside. These 2 gulls were just hanging out by our back patio...
View attachment 1963594

We played on the beach, went shopping, bought a whole box of fudge and various other treats along with hand picked salt-water taffy in about a zillion flavors, rode the carousel, ate a ton of seafood and lazed around by the fireplace.

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Twelve years ago, my husband and I went to Seaside for an "economical" honeymoon and it's become a regular anniversary tradition. After our daughter was born, we left her with grandma that first year while we went away, but it was oddly lonesome. She's come with us every year since and we won't be leaving her behind again anytime soon, at least until she gets to the age she doesn't want to hang out with us anymore. The beach is our favorite family getaway... Seaside every fall, Newport every spring, and any other coastal towns we can fit in during the year.

Looks like a great trip! Cute kid and awesome dogs!
It is nice to get away from time to time.
In spring of this year, we found a litter of outdoor barn kittens at a house we visited and the owners said we could have one. We named him Frank and he's been a really good boy, litter box trained on the first day we brought him home at only 5 weeks old and he's the only cat I've ever had that actually uses a scratching post. He's super lovable and lets my daughter carry him around like a baby and he sleeps on her bed.

I was hoping to get him to hunt some rats that might be living in a nearby wood pile, but unfortunately he's afraid to even go outside. Sometimes I force him to go enjoy the sunshine and fresh air, but he mostly just cries by the door to be let back in, unless his best doggie friend goes out with him... then he slinky slinks through the grass. I happened to catch him in the background here:

Well now that he's a self-proclaimed house cat spending most of his time indoors, I ordered him a new scratching tree and finally put it together. This thing is huge. Just have to find a permanent spot for it and attach it to the wall because he plays so hard I think he might knock it over.

Looks like a great trip! Cute kid and awesome dogs!
It is nice to get away from time to time.
We do have lots of fun... and my mom's always willing to come over to house sit and take care of the chickens. She has to do something to deserve all the eggs she gets!
It seems most of my projects are always unfinished. I get so excited about starting the next thing that I forget (or get too busy with chores) to finish the first thing, then my house ends up a wreck with partially started projects all over.

My daughter wanted this paint-by-number kit we saw in a toy store at the beach, so I thought it would be fun to work on it together:

But holy smokes! I didn't know you had to actually mix colors to get all the different shades for each little section. It's not really a JUNIOR version at all, I should have known by looking at the picture. We've been working on it together anyway, but she's mostly laying the base coats and I'm finishing the blending. Can't wait til this thing is finished.

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