What hooked you on chickens?

Frankly, I got sick of the children getting up and saying "There's nothing for breakfast!" after I had gone out the previous day and bought a dozen eggs! Little buggers eat them up as fast as they come in. Now that the chicks are here, I have just fallen in love with their emerging personalities and their beautiful new feathers coming in!
I was actually looking at peacocks! I found McMurray hatchery while looking for peacock chicks, and saw my first Millie Fleur, which made me think of the rats Of Nimh, the owl in the movie.
A obsession was born and I am in the process of building a incubator.
What got me started was the fresh eggs, without pesticides and antibiotics. I found out I had cancer in November and we have changed how we eat. I do not think all that stuff that is in our food is good for us. I started with 9 hens and now have 25, I think they helped me get better. I wanted to get up and see if they laid eggs, even when I was tired I would sit out with them. Some of them are so sweet, come right up and eat out of my hand. Now I just love them and they are our pets as well.
My mom's side of the family were all BIG farmers. I always loved visiting them so I could play with all the animals, including the chickens. I would even get to help.
When I was little, we lived in a small town where we had chickens in our back yard.
I always knew I would sme day live in the country so I could have my own chickens and horses and whatever else I wanted, And now I do! (even if it is only 5 acres)
Well for me it was my first rooster Harley!! I got him and decided that he needed some girls. So I went to the auction and got him 5! Oh boy was he happy!!!!
After that I got him 4 more! Then 3 more and then before I knew it I was over run with chickens!!!
They were everywhere! So I had to build a BIG coop!!! They are the most spoiled chickens!
I love them to death. I have no clue how many chickens I have now. It has been 4 years that I have been collecting! Time sure fies when you are having fun!!! Below is a picture of Harley and some of his girls! I still have him and he is still king of the coop




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I love to see them come running to me. I can almost see the excitement in their faces. It's a full speed dash to see if I have any thing for them to eat. They are like kids! Carol
I was reading a "back to old ways" kinda book. It was very appealing to me. I wanted desperately to feed chickens from my apron, suddenly! LOL...I talked to DH, and he talked with fondness about the chickens he had as a boy...well, he built me my coop, and we got our girls. All in small town Alberta. My neighbours love them! Our dream is to own land, and raise our own meat, like my husband did as a boy. Something about doing it yourself, and working hard at it, is very satisfying!

My DH says to make a pain in his a**, but the truth is I would see the chicks at the local feed store each year and yearn to buy them but was worried that I knew nothing about chickens.

Then last year I took the plunge and bought 2 RIR (Piper and Pepper), a Black Sex-Link (Lucy) and 2 EE (Polly Polka Dot and Penelope Pitstop).

I never knew you could get so much enjoyment out of raising them to a year old now. Just do it you won't regret it!

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