What if an egg freezes?

If it is frozen it has gone too far. See what CVM said about the yolk. Other than that, there is no clear answer, like almost everything else involving chickens.

There are so many different things involved with whether an egg will hatch or not that you can't really set black and white absolute parameters. Anything from the nutrition value of the parent's feed, how long you store them, turning, humidity, position you store them, and many other factors. The generally accepted optimum temperature for storage is somewhere around 55 degrees Fahrenheit. I don't store them at that temperature while gathering enough for incubation. Mine stay at room temperature, which is quite a bit higher. When it is really hot, some people store them in the warmest part of their refrigerator, or keep a special refrigerator set fairly high to store them in. We may not always get 100% hatches, but we usually do OK. We just do the best we can with what we have.

The further from optimum you get and the longer they are at those temperatures, the less likely they are to hatch. That does not mean they won't hatch, just that they are less likely to hatch.
Frozen eggs are very unlikely to be viable. Cold temps for too long a period of time, even if not freezing, will reduce viability, so eggs intended for hatching are best collected several times daily in very cold weather.
Yea, but look what it did t' yer hair.

You are so bad

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