What if I find 2 eggs in the exact same spot under the same hen?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
I was wondering if I find two eggs in the exact same spot, under a hen, are they likely to both be her eggs, or is it possible that another hen laid an egg right next to the first? These two eggs were the same exact size and shape. I found a hen sitting and tending a next of straw (plucking straw and pulling it toward her) and found the 2 eggs under her.
Two eggs from one hen in a day is rare. Can happen just not likely or common.
Most likely you have 2 hens laying in the same nest or the hen moved the second egg.
Sounds like you might have a hen trying to go broody.

I have five nest boxes and usually find most of the eggs in just two or three of the boxes. There is one box in particular they are fond of. I have been finding about 5 - 6 eggs in there each day.
I had a pullet that laid 3 eggs in one day. I know it was her because she was the only female in that coop. And no other egg layers on the property. Of course she didn't lay an egg for the next 2 days though. It was really cool!
Two eggs from one hen in a day is rare. Can happen just not likely or common.
Most likely you have 2 hens laying in the same nest or the hen moved the second egg.
Sounds like you might have a hen trying to go broody.


Yes. And sometimes there will be 2-3 hens in the box at the same time, squished in sideways or stacked! It's a hoot to see them!
And I thought the bucket was a tight squeeze for one hen.....

I've had one hen lay 2 eggs in a day, but one was laid very early, and the other very late. They just can't lay 2 eggs right after each other - because it takes TIME to make the eggs. The typical time frame is 18-26 hours, but glitches do happen once in a while.
When my hens started laying, I put golf balls in nest box. At that time it was one long nest box. I would put the golf balls near the ends of the nest box. When I would go out to collect the eggs, all the eggs and the golf balls were in one pile. The golf ball that started out over a foot away was moved to be with the others. I think it is just instinct to put all the eggs together.
I am thinking maybe stress might have had it slightly egg bound, we brought 6 hens home last night and this afternoon we sat there and watched a young brown leghorn hen lay 2 eggs in about 5 minutes, she acted like she was gonna go broody when she laid the first egg, the after laying the second one she got outt of the box she chose

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