What if you get a roo?

Would any of you just keep him and ignore the rules? That’s what I would do :idunno
Id find a farm that would take him in and let em free range. We let "some" of our prettiest or friendliest extra roos run free. Unfortunately they usually get eaten by predators after a few years, but at least they have some fun roaming instead of going str8 to the freezer like their brothers!
So, you’ve just ordered chicks online or went to your local supply store and carried home chicks.
Of course, sexing young chicks can be very difficult, so there’s a 50% that you got the sex you wanted.
Few months later, after all the work and they’re finally out of the brooder, you realize one of them is a cockerel. You cannot keep a roo. Other than rehoming, what would you do?
I just want to see what you guys would do if that happened to you.
I can tell you what I have done. Gave them away, put them in the freezer, and very rarely sold them.
i work really hard on ensuring i get pullets/hens-even if it means paying a pretty penny for dna sexed females. i can only purchase from a place that provides rooster returns. even if it means i can't get the breed that i want. i'll just have to wait until i know that it's a female. I only have 4 chickens-and a real long list of breeds i dream about.
I don't live in town and keep a roo. The excess ones I've had have either been given away or put in the crockpot. The keep him even though they are not allowed in town thing might seem tempting, but (and I'm sure this will hurt some people's feelings) absolutely not. Not because I've never broke a rule or I'm by any means perfect, but the cities that allow people to have backyard flocks can just as easily pass ordinances to ban the housing of livestock (to include chickens) based on multiple complaints of people failing to follow the set guidelines. I think it's great that so many places allow people to have X number of hens in town. While I enjoy hearing my rooster, I also understand why most cities specify that you can't have them. They have to try and keep the majority happy. If you live somewhere that restricts roosters your best bet for you and any other chicken lover who also lives in your area is to just follow the rules. I can't say I wouldn't sneak in an extra hen or two ;), but a roo is going to be hard to hide.
We live in the country so no rules against having them here. And it did happen to us......we bought 12 supposed pullets and ended up with 1 cockerel. We decided he could stay.....right up to the point where he declared war on all humankind. So he went to someone’s freezer camp.

We now have a new sweet rooster we adopted from a breeders. We wanted one to keep our girls safe free ranging and help minimize fights between the girls. I have no problem with nice roosters who realize that humans are off limits when it comes to attacking. I actually enjoy his antics and funny little warble sounds.

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