what in the world is this?


Currently Birdless Hippy
11 Years
Jul 20, 2008
with maurice, the original space-cowboy
hehe,, alright,, i got most my birds all id'd now got this 1,,well , i got 2 of em,, any help or guesses will be better then any of mine , lol
thanks allz

That looks like a big light Brahma roo on the other side of the fence.

I've had some hens with a similar look, they're various mutts with black Australorp in the mix. I have some 'lorp/buff Brahma, 'lorp/orp, 'lorp/unidentified mixed breed roo, and others. I like that color pattern, it's good camo!
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I have one very similar in body shape head etc and I was told some type of game, and she is a MEAN momma (wanna see my bruises to prove it) but as sweet as pie another time

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