What Irritates you the most?

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10 Years
Sep 9, 2009
Lake Butler (Union County)
Sometimes this kind of question can be really funny to answer. What does someone do that really IRRITATES you! DRIVES you NUTS! Makes you want to just SCREAM!?


I will start, of course...

What drives me nuts the most is when you ask someone to do something really simple because you are busy with something else, and they only do it half way or do a lazy job at it...causing you to not only fix their mistake, but finish what they started.
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Bad table manners... smacking, crunching, slurping, not to mention talking... ugg especially with dairy foods

*gag* More than once I've left a table or started humming so I couldn't hear.

That's the one that comes up a lot this time of year because there's so many visits with other households.

I don't expect the right fork in the left hand, or elbows off, etc. But please shut your dang mouth while chewing.

Phew... well I feel better.
Why do YOU fix their mistake? Why not make THEM fix the mistake they made and finish the job? Given the previous comments you have made about your husband, I'd guess he would screw it up so he'd get out of doing it. If it is your kids, then they need to learn to do it right the first time. You aren't doing anyone any favors by cleaning up the mess they made of the job.

The same thing irritates me with my students. I make them redo the job until they get it right. Generally it only takes a couple of times before it is just easier to do it right the first time.
I agree 100% and will add another one to the "table list". I hate it when someone blows their nose at the table while I'm trying to eat. Get up and go in another room.

And don't walk through the house and try to have a conversation while brushing your teeth. Do that in the bathroom in private. Bluck!
Copying. Seriously its sooo annoying. You write something down, you see them look at it, then write it down.
Its sooo annoying.
Then they get the extra marks because they copied your work
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What drives me crazy is when my brother makes a mess and I have to clean it up. HELLO! Just because the kid's autistic doesn't mean he cannot clean his own messes!
two things......

1. People who don't think they are responsible for their actions or are clueless of the repercussions of their actions.

2. Liberal minded folks who make excuses for inexcusable behaviors. And I use the term Liberal in the literal sense and not the political one.
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