What Irritates you the most?

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Alot of things it really depends on my mood and where I am and what I happen to be doing.
driving - those who dont know how to use a four way stop so the sit there waiting and waving everyone through until the intersection is clear.
- those who drive under the speed limit when its single lane traffic and as soon as they hit double laned traffic they giver thus making it impossible to pass them unless your going way way over the speed limit.
at home- when hubby uses a tool forgets to put it back and then yells at everyone cause its missing grrrrrr....
- I know I shouldnt complain about this but I do - when hubby cooks dinner he always makes at least two portions to many for some reason.
- when someone says they are comming over but then dont show up with some lame excuse.

and Boyds pet peeve about the liberal stuff Oh and to be honest Over Political Correctness really really really gets on my nerves
oh the list could go on
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It wasn't my husband that did that even though he actually does do that sometimes ( O F F E N )
My friends son was over today cuz she asked us to put him to work since he skipped school this week. I asked him to put the cushions back on the couch after I fabreezed him. He did a crappy job at it, putting a side pillow in the middle, an arm pillow in the back with a back pillow at the arms. He really screwed it up. I didn't ask him to fix it cuz he was outside with hubby, already filthy and I didnt want him to dirty up my couch!

Also hate when the men leave the toilet seat UP! I dont want to see where u pee in! Shut the thing down! Also when someone leaves the shower curtain open after bath/shower.... CLOSE THEM! I dont want mold and they start to stink if left open. Wet curtains dont dry correctly if they are crumbled together!

One thing that hubby does that irritates me 100% is when he parks his truck in FRONT of the house, instead of the side. It's harder to get the big truck out of the yard when it's parked in front. If he has it parked on the side of the house, I can back it up easier without HITTING anythign! (I broke a dolly, a few toys, my big flower pot that I LOVED! all cuz I can't see where Im going backing out!).
One thing that really irritates me is when we read a book together in class and different students read at a time. I don't get why we have to circle up and read together; sounds like something we would do in elementary school LOL but anyways, no offense to them, but when some other students read, they read so slow and make mistakes on the most simple things...I feel like saying, "Yeah, OK, just get on with it and read!!! It's so simple!"
Ugh it drives me nuts.
Ignorant Liars

People that lie for attention. That's the one that gets me the most.

Tell me about it.
I didn't think folks would understand that without a qualifier
It's so you can help the teacher help your classmates; you're a role model of good reading for your peers.
People who struggle with reading benefit from hearing others read aloud -- as long as they're following along, too -- they need to see the words and hear them at the same time.
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