What Irritates you the most?

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It's so you can help the teacher help your classmates; you're a role model of good reading for your peers.
People who struggle with reading benefit from hearing others read aloud -- as long as they're following along, too -- they need to see the words and hear them at the same time.

I know that it does help, and I do like it when other people read for a change than just me reading by myself, but it's just irritating when because mess up on really really simple things and they read really slow because it distracts me from what they are reading. And we''re in a grade where reading shouldn't be that hard, no offense.
What irritates me the most, WI DNR we got not many deer left and they want to ruin the herd. Wolves already have it depleted in the northwoods. What else irritates me no common sense and libs.
1. Being blamed for something I did not do.

2. Liars,...ignorant or otherwise.

3. Lack of commen sense.

4. Having to repeat myself,....
makes me want to pop a cork everytime.
Two things that irritate me the most:

One - "bully" dog biasing. Ugh, sooo frustrating. The news, the general audience, etc. - They all show it that it is the "pitbull" who does the attacks, the "pitbull" who is the dangerous one. . The "pitbull" and its relative breeds who need to be banned, and sadly are being banned from several cities. I could go on a long tangent about this problem. . . But simply, the biggest fault here is the fact that noone ever considers that most people don't know anything about dog breeds, and blame it on what the media tells them to - Pit bulls. There have been plenty studies and tests that show many photos of dogs that all look like pitbulls, and people always get it wrong which one actually IS a pitbull . . .

Two - People who take pity and sadness into the abuse, neglection, or slaughter of horses. You'know, there are still cattle, chickens, and pigs who need the attention and respect, too. I mean, I see SO many people claim to love animals, especially horses, then go treat a cow, steer, or bull like the center of all their problems and consider it normal. If you ever object to it, they get mad and claim cattle to be stupid, fat, (which WE bred them to be that way, actually) or made for us to eat. Umm. . . People eat dogs in other countries, and horses are just as edible. So, no, cattle weren't made for us to eat.
Leaving dishes all over the house.Put them in the sink please.

People who text or talk on cell phones while driving.Just drive! I don't want my family to die because someone had to write OMG or LOL at 65mph.

People who who talk down to my kids.They will remember your negative comments far more than the occasional praises.
I think the thing that irritates me the most is
"when people ask for an opinion" then get all cranky because you gave them one.
ask for advice beware the answer, you might not like it.

All the Tv programs being flooded by the Humane Society,
Check the records folks, more goes into administrative costs than goes to animal care and education.
multi million dollar a year company crying poverty.
Animals being imported from other states, countries to fill a void in the need for more revenue.
NH has just implimented a importation of California Pocket Puppys to fill a niche here for small dogs.
Yet they claim there is a huge overpolpulation in the state, if that be then do not import more from other states.

makes my blood boil.
When people are rude to counter staff and waitresses. I can't stand mean, overly rude and just plain down talking to working people. Some of these jobs are very trying and noone likes to be treated poorly. Why can't people just be nice?
I get irritated by people who whine and complain all the time about their situation in life. Always with the "I don't have" and the "we don't have" and "I can't" whatever. I can't is such a cop out and pushes my buttons.

Everyone makes their own choices and I usually am very honest and tell them I don't give out sympathy or hand outs. If you want a different life get off your rear end and make the life you want. No one is handed a perfect life, they built the life they have - good or bad.
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