What Irritates you the most?

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1. I also hate people that always look for something to complain about.

2.Hypocrites are HORRID.

3.People who eat with their mouths open and make loud noises when they eat/drink.

4.Ignorance is also HORRID.

5.Having any noise/light in my bedroom when I sleep. I could never live in a city.
paying to go see a movie and having to sit through commercials

having a commercial come on the TV five times louder than the program, can't the idiots figure out you have a remote in your hand and are just going to mute it anyway
Me too. Once, our class had such an interesting book to read,and the teacher asked someone to read. We were stuck on the same page for fifteen minutes because the reader was having trouble with the word "on"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usually I help kids who make mistakes, but this one I didn't. I just listened to him saying "Ouan? Ohen? Olee?" It was so annoying.

edited for flaming.
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Miss Prissy, I agree 100%. Perhaps we need a "No Whining" smiley.

I have one small complaint to add- when a person posts something about what SHOULD be their private life and you comment on it in a way the OP doesn't like or want to hear-
then they tell you to "mind your own business".
Well, it you don't want anyone minding your business for you, don't put your business all over the internet!

Don't hang your dirty laundry in public!
Me too. Once, our class had such an interesting book to read,and the teacher asked someone to read. We were stuck on the same page for fifteen minutes because the reader was having trouble with the word "on"!!!!!!!!!!!!
Usually I help kids who make mistakes, but this one I didn't. I just listened to him saying "Ouan? Ohen? Olee?"

Ditto. I hate it when people are really eager to read, who can actually read at a decent pace, and the teacher picks someone who speaks sooooo slowly. We get this all the time and its so annoying
I normally ignore them and read on my own
this is a BIG i mean HUGE pet peeve of mine... the Toronto Humane Society was just busted by the OSPCA thia past week

http://news.google.ca/news?hl=en&source=hp&q=toronto humane society&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&tab=wn

other irritants:
other peoples screaming kids who they refuse to control..(IMO) take it home, toy shopping at walmart can wait
bad manners, eating, or just general manners for being in public, would it kill you to hold a door or say thank you?
and grammar gods/goddess, I know my grammar sucks, but please dont the opportunity to make your self feel better and more superior by putting me or someone else down.. (plus it makes you look like an arse..IMO)

driving: please follow the rules of the HTA (highway traffic act as its called here in ontario) and dont get mad at me when I follow the rules and it peeves you off
please stop for the flashing lights on a school bus
and treat an intersection where the traffic lights are not functioning, as a 4 way stop!

WOW that feels much better! thanks and have a wonderful sunday..lol
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