What is a safe way to get rid of mice in Chicken Coop?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 9, 2013
I just went out to tuck my chickens in bed and saw a mouse scurry across the floor! I know i can't put poison down because the chickens may eat it or the mouse that eats it.. (one of the girls caught a FROG today and had great fun playing 'keep away' with the others!) Is there some safe way to get rid of them? We live out in the country and our two barn cats are not very good at their job!
Keep their feed locked up tight in a galvanized can and if it's feasible, feed only what they can finish each day so there is no food in the house. No food, no reason for the mice to be in there.

Try securing a little chicken wire cage into the corner of their house that only the mice can get into and bait a trap beneath it. I find that "The Better" mouse traps work the best. And also, chickens are really great mousers so you may find that they are taking care of some of them for you.
Ack I don't even like to read that ------ word . Do you keep feed in the coop overnight? Chickens roost at night and wouldn't be chasing mice, that's the time mice can gobble up whatever food it out.
I keep their feed bag in a separate shed, but they do have a hanging feeder in their coop 24/7. Also their oyster shell in a guinea pig feeder..
I will look into a 'better mouse trap' tomorrow. Thanks! Is it true that mice cause the salmonella? What if they eat one??
No, they don't cause the salmonella. It's passed in wild bird feces. It's very, very common for chickens to eat mice. I've never had a chicken become sick as a result (nor does my cat). Mice have fleas, but whatever. More protein. =)

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