What is a silver egg?


11 Years
Apr 30, 2008
DH has been taking eggs in to work. Today, one of his co-workers snagged two dozen right off the table and insisted that her 10 year old won't eat any eggs other than ours and wants to know which hen lays the silver eggs.

I don't have children and can't imagine what this is about but I'm happy to pick out any "silver" eggs I can and send them his way - if I just knew what they were!

Any ideas? We have RIRs, NH Reds, Production Reds, Black Sex Links, turkeys and a ridiculously productive guinea.
The closest thing I can see is a light pinkish egg.

Maybe that child just has a really vivid imagination.
sounds like the most likely possibility to me. but why would the guy ask unless he saw it himself?

some people
Gee, I've heard about a goose that lays golden eggs, but never anything about silver eggs. Maybe you're onto something that will make you rich and famous (or just get you chased off a beanstalk by a giant, or am I getting my fables confused again?) Ask the guy the save the silver shell for you, maybe you can determine what he means by silver.
Let us know, I'm curious. I would also love to see a silver egg.

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