What is a "splash" chicken?

I ask because I have two blue Ameraucana hens that have splashes of black in them. They look similar to my splash roo, except with a blue background instead of white.

I don't know what to call their color...
They'd be called blue. I have blue Ameraucanas as well as blue Plymouth Rocks and blue Orps. Occasionally, they'll have ticking or a black feather, but they are still blue.
If photobucket was working, I'd post a pic of a particular blue Ameraucana I used to have with a black feather, but can't access my pics right now, sorry.

As far as the Silkie, I can't see it in that photo enough to see if it's blue or splash, something about the angle or the glare, maybe if you had a pic of it standing up full body would help. Silkies are not my thing, those little feather dusters, LOL. I'll leave that to the Silkie aficionados here.

Oh, photobucket is back up. Here is a pic of a blue with a black feather in her tail.


See the blue Rock on the right? She has black feathers. Still blue. Those did molt out later on.

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Wow beautiful birds in this thread!

I generally dumb it down for myself and ask myself "Self, does that bird look like it ran around under a bunch of painting ladders?" If yes, splash! ^_^
I didn't know what it meant when I bought a blue orpington carrying 'splash'.

Last years chicks included solid black, solid blue, white with black 'splashes' and blue with brown 'splashes'.

The appearance of the white 'splash' was a surprise because I hadn't seen white orpington's and in cats it is either dominant or recessive which didn't seem to be a possibility as the rooster isn't white, and none of my hens to my knowledge have white ancestry.

My hens are all pure orpington, or nearly pure, but are from black, blue, or buff parents.

Can someone help me with pullet or cockerel? I have a blue orpington and a black orpington, 8weeks old. My blue has had the bright red comb and wattles for weeks now. He/she, Jackpot, has larger legs and feet. But Jackpot has completely different feathering than Katie Ann the black. I have two Lav orpingtons and 1 buff. They are 6 months old and have feathers like Katie Ann. Jackpot started feathering out much later than Katie Ann and she is soft to touch and Jackpot's feathers are heavy and spiney to touch. They are from the same hatching but Jackpot is heavier than Katie Ann. I have thought all along that Jackpot is a cockerel but I am perplexed by the feathers.

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