What is causing this???


Jul 24, 2017
What could be causing our two Barred Rocks feathers to look ratty? We have 8 hens total, no roosters. One of the hens is missing feathers about an inch or two below her beak. I don’t see any broken feathers. I don’t think they are being picked.. but their feathers just look rough. They are eating and acting normal. I have checked for lice and mites many times and have not seen any. They are 8 months old. Could they be going through a light molt? Could this be worms? I went and bought some feather fixer food and gave them a little of that. I thought I’d increase their protein but also want to fix what could be causing this. Should I treat for worms just in case and if so, what do I use? Needing some advice and your expertise!
This is about a week ago... and her feathers don’t look like this anymore.. they look ratty and feel rough when you touch them. They aren’t silky smooth feeling.

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