What is causing this?


7 Years
Apr 17, 2017
Greenville, SC
Today while taking care of some bumblefoot problems, I noticed the abdomen area of one of my chickens. This is the hen that was broody a little bit ago, would that be the cause of her loosing feathers?
Very well could have been the broodyness! Although mine have never gone that crazy over feather plucking. I would just keep an eye on her for normal regrowth.
By the way she is a gorgeous color! Speckled Sussex?
Very well could have been the broodyness! Although mine have never gone that crazy over feather plucking. I would just keep an eye on her for normal regrowth.
By the way she is a gorgeous color! Speckled Sussex?
Thank you @SMorrison7k. Yes, she's a Speckled Sussex and my sister's favorite. She's also our first ever broody hen and our first foray into bumblefoot!

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