What is coming out of my duck?


In the Brooder
Jan 1, 2016
My duck always comes up to me and asks me to pet her, when I do she has this weird liquid come out I'm assuming it's her butt? What is it? And is it normal?

How old is she? Is the liquid sticky/viscous like egg whites or like water? It's coming from her vent....which is where she poops, pees, and lays her eggs, all one spot.
Does she act otherwise normal? No lethargy, eating and drinking, quacking, all that?
When my girl was egg bound she dripped clear egg white textured liquid, but I really doubt that's it based on what you've said. It was pretty much constant, she wouldn't eat, she was avoiding being around the other ducks, staying kinda fluffed up, couldn't sleep, wouldn't chatter or quack.
Just thought I'd make sure, I would guess Amiga is right here :)
Hopefully it's just normal randiness....but keep an eye on her bc what @amiga described was milky, not clear, egg white like which could be something more
She eats a lot actually! I have to limit her eating because she doesn't know when to stop. I don't have other ducks but I have dogs and she gets along well with them, and she quacks all the time. She only has that liquid come out when I pet her, so it's not all the time (she does ask me to pet her often though).
I'll try to take a better picture tomorrow, but it's normally sticky looking and it's clear but sometimes it's milky clear.

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