what is corn chop?


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 1, 2008
I just wanted to know what corn chops is and how to feed to chickens.
Corn chops is just that. Chopped corn or as often referred to as steel cut corn. It is cut into a crumble. I think in some areas it is called "cracked or crushed corn", but I can't be sure of that.
It is simply fed as with any chick feed and can be mixed with their normal ration. However, a word of caution. I made a mistake and mixed it on a 1 to 1 ratio with my feed and caused a protein deficiency in my hens. Too much corn is not good. I paid a price to learn that.
O wow that must be a thing they call it in the southern usa cause in the north it is called cracked corn
Yeah I gave mine too much at one time and some got so fat they died. Learning the hard way on that one. So I would just put a small amt. in with my feed.

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