what is everything I need?

I looked into grit and I could only find quite large size grit which seems too big for chicks. I get my grit mixed in with the corn I buy so can I feed the chicks a bit of the corn mix I have?
I looked into grit and I could only find quite large size grit which seems too big for chicks. I get my grit mixed in with the corn I buy so can I feed the chicks a bit of the corn mix I have?
Do you have a tractor supply near by? You have to look up chick grit. I wouldn't give them the corn because I imagine they would fill up on that rather than their feed. How is your soul? We have very rocky soil so I put some in the brooder with them. They dust bath and find grit on their own. I've never provided additional grit for my girls, they just get what's in the ground.
It's good to give them grit after the first couple days whether you are giving them only chick feed or not, as they tend to try to eat everything, even bedding.
Thank you for this information. I will be sure to have some. is there any that is better than others or anything special to look for when buying it?
oh and do I just put the grit in with their food? or in a different container?

You can potentially sift out chick sized pieces from bigger grit, or from mixed sized smallish gravel.

As far as how to "serve" it, I sprinkle a tiny pinch on their food every few days. You can also put it in a small dish but between their penchant for knocking things over and gorging on all the wrong things, I find it easier to just put a tiny amount in their food.
staring my list of exactly what I am getting even though I have 7 weeks to wait, hoping it goes fast, until I get my chicks!

Will this waterer work for day old chicks on up?
and if so what nipple should I start with? will this help keep their bedding dryer than another form of water? We are going to be using nipples once they go into the coop so figured easier to teach them from day 1 to use it. What nipples are best for when they are older?
Will this waterer work for day old chicks on up? View attachment 2528066 and if so what nipple should I start with? will this help keep their bedding dryer than another form of water? We are going to be using nipples once they go into the coop so figured easier to teach them from day 1 to use it. What nipples are best for when they are older?

If using that waterer, start with vertical. Horizontal requires more pressure and chicks may not be able to toggle it successfully until 3 weeks or older.

As far as keeping things drier... possibly yes, possibly no. Vertical nipples can be prone to dripping. I never had much issue with drips but chicks might play with it, or bump into it while playing, so you will want to keep an eye out for any puddling under the waterer.

When they're older you can use either one. I use horizontal as it's less prone to freezing in cold temperatures.
If using that waterer, start with vertical. Horizontal requires more pressure and chicks may not be able to toggle it successfully until 3 weeks or older.

As far as keeping things drier... possibly yes, possibly no. Vertical nipples can be prone to dripping. I never had much issue with drips but chicks might play with it, or bump into it while playing, so you will want to keep an eye out for any puddling under the waterer.

When they're older you can use either one. I use horizontal as it's less prone to freezing in cold temperatures.
Thank you! I knew I had read different things on which one but couldn't really find what I was looking for on which is good and why so glad you said that! Will keep that in mind when making the bigger one for the coop for when they are older!
after reading and doing more research I have a few more questions.

Do I need to get electrolites to put in their water after I get them home (I am getting them from a local farm store but believe they have them shipped in).

Do they need any probiotics or medicated feed or anything else like that at first?

what things should I have on hand for the chicks JIC they get sick and need something?
Some people like to give electrolytes at first. I had my chicks shipped to me in August, though, and they were fine without!

I have heard they should not have medicated feed if they were vaccinated for Marek's disease.

If you use MannaPro chick grit, it claims to have probiotics added.

Another thing I found useful was an absorbant, disposable bed pad with pine shavings on top in the brooder. You can just roll it up and toss it, rather than trying to clean chick poop off cardboard, or trying to find enough cardboard.

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