WHat is hapenening to our hen?! please help!!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 18, 2014
Santa Rosa
Our Buff Wyandotte hen (9 months old) is losing feathers and weight, stopped laying eggs, her nails have turned white, and her comb seems to be turning from bright red to a dry pinkish color. She is still eating(for sure) and drinking(I think). she is still active in doing what the others do too. Can anyone help? Not taking a $4 chicken to the vet.
Isolate chicken to monitor intake of food & water - i put mine is a large tub with lid with holes - I fed my poultry that seemed 'Off' pumpkin seeds - they are good for killing internal parasites. Good luck..
Could she be molting?

I have a Buff Orpington about the same age. Top of the pecking order. First layer and pretty steady about it.She has been losing feathers in patches, neck first, now breast... Still laying and still the top bird. I think she is molting and have been trying to get extra protein to her. Otherwise she is eating and drinking normally.

She seems to be the right weight, but the loss of feathers is making her look a bit scrawny.
hmm, I guess its a possibility. Our other buff wyandotte (exact same age) has not stopped laying and is not moulting at all. the color of their nails compared and theirs combs also have me pretty worried.
Yeah some molt earlier than others. I got all my chickens together and only one is molting. I have 8 total Includig a roo and I'm not gettig 2 eggs a day cause it's dark and cold out. It's normal. As long as she's eating and walking around...if she looses too many feathers because she's molting really hard and its cold id consider adding a heat lamp or bringing her inside.
Isolate chicken to monitor intake of food & water - i put mine is a large tub with lid with holes - I fed my poultry that seemed 'Off' pumpkin seeds - they are good for killing internal parasites. Good luck..

Pumpkin seeds will NOT deworm a chicken, horse or human. Apple Cider Vinegar won't deworm them either. Nor will feeding them DE. To truly deworm, you need a good broad-spectrum dewormer such as Valbazen or Safeguard. If you have a bird with worms, giving them pumpkin seed is only going to make YOU feel better, not your bird. Pumpkin IS good for loose stools though! Really helps with puppies-not sure about chickens though.

As for the hen in question here.. sure does sound like moulting. All of mine are just finishing up except for one and she's the only one laying *sigh*. They all moulted at various times over the last couple months. Their wattles and combs get pretty pale. I always give them additional protein and put rooster booster vitamins in their water during this time to help them grow feathers back and give them plenty of nutrition. If you notice any other symptoms, post them here so folks can help.
Just to be sure.... This hen has no nasal discharge, she is not having trouble breathing (open beak breathing, wings held out from sides or really working the chest), and there is no noise when she breaths, right? Does she seem to be breathing easily, but very rapidly?

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