What is he?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 3, 2010
Roscoe, Texas
My friend rehomed some of her chickens to me and this is one of them. Can anyone please tell me what he is? He sure is purty!


Sher Morrow
Roscoe, Tx
A mutt. He's a cross of something Columbian in color (Sussex, White Rock, etc) and something that had slate or black legs.
Wow, that's a surprise. He was bought from a hatchery in a straight run "surprise" group.... Surprise! lol. Guess that's something to watch out for. Still, he is pretty. Thanks so much,I appreciate it.

I have a roo that looks just like that. We got our chicks on Easter at TSC. 4 sexlink hens and 3 creamy white roos. Were told that they are Amberlinks... Being a military family our last roo was Lt Fuzz, he died in the line of duty protecting his hens from a fox. This new one is Colonel Sanders (due to the white feathers) , he is awesome with the hens and HUGE, double the size of our hens. Very good at protecting the flock. Even if I pick one up and they stary bauk bauking he comes running to check thinks out, but does not attack me. Yours is a beauty. Good luck.
That sounds just like mine. He is huge. HE does the same thing, when I am putting them in at night, if i have a stubborn hen and pick her up, he comes running. He only jumped me once and I got in his face and said NO! After that, you could see his little chicken brain remembering. We are a military family too! Army


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