What is he?

We have a Roo that looks like the one asked about here and his name is Colonel Sanders! That's funny.
GO ARMY!! This is only our 2nd attempt to keep a roo. He is only 5 months now and was awkward at first with the hens and the older ones put him in his place for quite a while before accepting him. He seems to have matured well, does the "dance of Love" and woos them before mating. He also calls them over for treats and keeps everyone in line. THey all follow him now and cuddle up to him at night on the roost. So he is the Head Honcho finally. If he starts to get out of line he will become chicken pot pie!! We had 3 of these as I said , at Easter I went and picked out 3 cute orange striped babies and 3 creamy white ones from the pullet tank. Well 3 were lovely cinnamon colored sexllink hens and 3 were lovely white roos!!, I rehomed two of the roos to a friend who had lost his.
This roo is not friendly to us at LT Fuzz was. but then we had raised him from egghood. But he also is not aggressive so far either, although he did flog my husband one day when all the hens gathered at his feet for treats! I found it funny, he did not. But once put in his place he keeps his distance. Our two dogs keep the hens protected well also but they are not always outside when hawks or foxes may be around. Our hens freerange and we vary up their schedule to keep the predators guessing!!
I find it Hillarious to watch my two Greyhound's laying in the grass with the chickens grazing around them!! Who said they can't get a long!
My dogs do okay with our chickens, when they go inthe coop with me, but the chickens don't freerange, too many predators. I can just see yours lying as the chickens peck around them...lol.


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